
Life Story in 2020 and 2021

Hi Everyone!

It’s been a long time since I shared my last vacation and life story in this blog. Time really flies so fast.

In mid 2020 I moved far away from my parents because I was assigned as a process engineer in one of refinery project called RDMP (Refinery Development Master Plan). Living alone far away from my hometown Jakarta was not easy for me who has never out of Jabodetabek since I was born and the fact that I am the only girl among 26 boys BPS who are assigned to support the project also make it harder for me to accept. Can you imagine that I have never had "rekan kerja wanita BPS seangkatan" since I work in this company until at the point I accept the condition that I have to deal and become a good friends with the guys. It is not really that bad actually because they are nice and always be there whenever I ask for their help. 

Well, 2020 was a nightmare for many people including me. Mostly because of COVID and for me plus, I broke up with my boyfriend with the most irrational reason I have ever heard in my entire life and lately I know that he already cheated on me since september based on his new girlfriend story while we broke up in early of December. I will not tell you the reasons but one thing for sure everyone said that my family and I deserves someone better than him and his family. It was really a nightmare for me but I am so blessed that Allah SWT gives me so many friends in here to cheer me up. I still remember before I broke up, Allah sent me an angel name mba marsela (adminku) out of the blue who wants to live with me in my apartment during my hardest time and He took mba marsela back to her home after I got back to who I used to be. Baik banget gak sih Allah tuh ?? He gave me a sign that I will break up with my boyfriend. After I broke up, I still continue Sholat Istikhoroh with the same prayer because I still haven’t found my peace and yup after my long sholat istikhoroh, Allah SWT showed me that him and his family are not good persons.  Kalau kata pepatah sih "There are plenty of fish in the sea". There will be someone who accept and loves me as who I am and also loves my family with all the condition. I know I am stronger than I think and I know as long as I’m not give up, everything will be okay. Allah SWT is the best life planner for everyone and you just need to believe him. I need some time to heal myself and to find the reason so I can really let him go with all my heart. I am proudly say that I am doing really fine right now. 😊

In 2021 after I decided to let him go and move on, I spend my time mostly to work. Besides, I also learn to know and love myself to get my confidence back until at the point I can say to myself that I am amazing, smart, beautiful, kindhearted, and already done a very good job this far. I also bought a piano. Buying piano was one of the best decision I have ever made in my life and it is such a dream come true for me. I always want to learn how to play piano and dream of having one in my future home that I can play every single day.  I can’t sing well but playing ukulele and piano is one of my hobby that can bring my mood back if I have a bad day or whenever I feel tired and need to recharge my battery. So after I bought a piano, I booked an online class to learn how to play it through yousician and I also bought some beginner piano books because I want to learn how to read “not balok”. I don’t have any planning to be a pianist, I just want to play as many song as I could. Being healthy, get promoted, get more friends, met other lovely parents, having a good job and good job partners (read: semua bapak – bapak senior dan rekan kerjaku), gain so many knowledge, learn something new are such blessing for me in 2021.

I don’t know what will happen to me in the future , some will be the good things and some will be the bad things , namanya juga hidup kan ya ?? hehe but as long as we don't give up and pray, everything will be fine!


Hope everything will get well soon.


Stay Healthy, Safe and Happy ! 

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