
Hi Everyone!

Hi Everyone!

After long thinking and considering a lot of things, I decided to create a new blog because I removed my old blog (chndradew.blogspot.com) if you have known before. 

I want to share short story reason why I removed my old blog. That is just because I have problem in the past. There is one person who loves reading my blog and she judge me. She have never met me and my family in person, but she pretend like she know everything about me and my family. Honestly I don't really like someone who judge everyone by only seeing her photos , reading her stories, and etc because I am a believer that if you haven't had intense conversation with anyone, than actually you know nothing about them. 

But, one thing for sure, I will not let anyone hindered me to do something that I like. Right now I don't really care what people think about me, khususnya orang asing yang sama sekali enggak pernah ngobrol sama aku. I don't want again to be someone who struggle enough prove to anyone that I am really a good person because for what? People who loves me know everything about that and people who hates me they will never see that. 

So, I hope you enjoy my stories dan semoga ada manfaat yang bisa diambil dari setiap post cerita yang aku share ya! Because my old blog has been removed, but I save my post, then I will start to re-post them all to my new blog.

With love, 


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