
Officially Sarjana Teknik



June 2017, Officially Sarjana Teknik

Finally, after 4 years ups and down journey in this university, I got my bachelor degree! Not everyone know how much I have spent most of my time, energy and money to arrive at this point. It was stressful yet interesting process but I know it was worth all the blood, sweat, and tears I put into it. I learned many things from college, not only academic but also learned about patience, sincerity, people's character, and I realized that alone we can do so little but together we can do so much.

Praise Allah SWT for everlastingly blessing me
My lovely family,
MY MOM, my number one motivator who always believe in my ability and told me like thousand times that everything is gonna be ok and you can finish this well
MY DAD, twenty four hour in seven day available for picking me up or driving me to college, to one and another laboratorium to check my samples and helping me checked my thesis.

My lovely thesis partner. We were strong women. One year we were surrounded by the high voltage electricity (700 Volt) which actually was very dangerous. Many problems came such as exploded, broken equipment, the data was not macth with the theory, but we always tried to solve the problem ourselves and yes we did it !

Thank you to my best friends, my college friend, and everyone  who always got my back in this 4 years. You brought so much color to my campus life. I know I cannot finish this without your help and support.
It is just the beginning of the real life. 
Welcome to the new level of life
Welcome to the jungle! 

" a dream you dream alone is just a dream, a dream you dream together is reality"

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